When we think about cleaning and maintaining our homes, the last thing we give thought to is cleaning the roof. Because we cannot physically see the state of the top of our houses, the task often goes by the wayside. Furthermore, it can be tedious and sometimes frightening when climbing up a ladder in order to walk across and clean our roofs. Even though it is easy to leave the job go undone, rooftop maintenance is actually a very important task. Here are some reasons why roof cleaning is so important…

roof cleaning perth

It prevents rust: When leaving the top of your home uncleaned, it becomes the perfect environment for moss and lichen to grow. When this occurs, moisture can be retained after rainfall or heavy dew and the rust process begins. Once rust becomes an issue this can often lead to having to re-sheet your roof which can be a timely and expensive process. This can easily be avoided by having your roof cleaned on a regular basis.

It prevents mould: Especially for those living in humid conditions, mould can be a huge issue. It can get into the cracks and holes and spread very quickly. Mould can be a huge health issue for people, particularly for children with allergies. A regular clean can help avoid the spreading of any mould. If mould has already grown, it can still be removed with a roof clean coupled with a special mould biodegradable solution.

Stains can be prevented: The growth of mould, lichen, and moss can all leave unsightly stains on your rooftop. This can be an issue when you are wanting your house to look its best, especially if you are trying to sell your home. Instead of letting a home become an eyesore and bringing down the aesthetics of the whole street, a great option is to instead organise a regular roof clean.

It can improve the lifespan of your roof: A regular clean can help increase the lifespan of a rooftop by preventing the build-up of unwanted nasties that can damage a roof over time. A clean is a cost-effective way to ensure that any unnecessary maintenance or replacements are not needed down the track. A pressure clean of a tin or tiled roof is a great way to ensure the colour, structure, and functionality of a roof remains intact.

Seeking out the help of an expert roof cleaner can also help prevent the occurrence of any accidents. Professionals have all of the correct tools and insurances to make sure that no accidents, falls or slips occur. This way, you can have peace of mind that your roof is been taken care of without the stress of climbing up the ladder yourself. You can instead spend your weekends with the people that matter most, doing the things you love.

If you are interested in having your rooftop professionally cleaned, reach out to us at FCT Cleaning who cater to residential and commercial buildings. Our team doesn’t use any harsh chemicals or bleach to ensure the health and safety all of the residents of a home (animals, plants and people alike). We are also completely insured and have impeccable safety practices. Chat to one of our friendly staff members at (08) 9204 3333, or shoot us across an email to admin@fct.studio22.com.au..

clean roof perth



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