Clear Spider Webs
At certain times of the year, cobwebs can become out of control. Yes, they are a natural part of life, however, they can become a nuisance when they begin to overtake an outdoor area. Windows can become clogged up and sitting areas can become an eyesore. It can also become a huge issue for those who are scared of spiders. Some people even avoid certain areas of their homes because they are afraid that there may be too many spiders there.

Cobwebs also tend to be quite sticky so they cannot simply be brushed away. Areas that were once favourites to entertain can become forgotten because people do not want to sit among the webs. Thankfully, there are a few quick things that can be done to take care of overwhelming cobwebs so your home is back to looking its best in no time. Here are some ideas on how to best take care of cobwebs.

Remove them as soon as you see them

One of the best ways to take care of webs is by removing them as soon as you see them. This way, spiders will be less likely to choose that area as their home and will eventually move elsewhere. When webs are left, more spiders tend to also arrive which then, of course, causes more cobwebs. A quick and easy way to remove them is to grab some paper towel to grab the webs and throw them in the bin. Using paper towel is a great way for them to not get stuck to your hands, however, webs can usually be washed off easily with some water if they do get stuck.

Use a vacuum cleaner

Another great way to take care of webs, without them getting stuck to you, is with a household vacuum cleaner. An extension cord can be used so that the vacuum can be taken outdoors to tackle the outside areas. Places that are prone to cobwebs are windows, corners and flyscreens. The only downside to using the vacuum is that is can be hard to lift up to reach high places. For the majority of webs, however, the vacuum can be a great tool.

Purchase a cobweb brush

A cobweb brush can easily be found at a local hardware store and is the perfect way to reach those high areas. The bristles are rounded, unlike a usual broom which makes them an ideal tool for getting into corners. They also include either a long or extendable handle which will allow users to reach cobwebs on ceilings or other high spaces. They can be used indoors or outdoors and are a great item to keep on hand to quickly tackle cobwebs as they arise. The bristle can easily be washed under the sink so that old webs are washed away.

Pressure washing

Finally, the best way to remove cobwebs is with pressure washing. Here at FCT Cleaning, we are able to come to your home and pressure wash all of your outdoor surfaces. This will not only remove cobwebs but will take care of dirt and grime as well. Outdoor furniture can even be taken care of with professional pressure cleaning. We find that this is the most eco-friendly and safest options to not only taking care of outdoor areas but to taking care of cobwebs as well.




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